You, Your Dog, and COVID19

Posted by Amy Hempe on

Very little is in the news these days beyond COVID19, the novel virus that has caused a pandemic. Rumors swirl with means of catching & curing the disease leading to one question in particular: can dogs and humans transmit COVID19 between one another?

The answer is no. 

A little history: all communicable diseases in human times have begun with animals. At some point they morphed and made a leap to humans. The same is true for COVID19. However, the CDC has stated that "while the virus seems to have emerged from an animal source, it is now spreading from person-to-person." The CDC has also noted that hot zones such as Italy have had zero cases of dogs becoming infected with COVID19.

There was one reported case in Hong Kong of a dog testing for a low-level COVID19 infection, there is no further evidence of dogs or humans transmitting the infection between each other.

Still, the CDC and the vet for the American Kennel Club have stated that if you do test positive for COVID19, limit your exposure to your pets and wipe their paws with paw cleaners.

In the meantime, while we all hunker down for a few weeks, there are things that you can do to help others:

1. Donate to a pet food bank. Whether it is food or cash, they are always in need. Colorado Pet Pantry still has operations going and is currently using a drive-thru method to limit any exposure.

2. Donate to an animal shelter. Pet adoptions from shelters is expected to decrease, so shelters can use all the support that they can get.

3. Help Elderly Neighbors With Pets If they wish to limit their exposure to the public, help the social distancing movement by walking their pup around the block. 

4. Sponsor Rescued Dogs Being Transported Even if you cannot adopt or foster, you can contact a local rescue that does cross-country travel and you can sponsor a kennel of pups.

5. Let Neighborhood Kids Play With Your Dog While kids are out of school, you can keep a six-foot distance between yourself and the kids while still letting them play with or pet your dog. 


In the meantime, keep washing those hands and listen to the experts about how to flatten the curve. Finally, let us know in the comment section how your pets are keeping you sane during this crazy time!!

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