The Dog Blog

Tips to Stay Safe While Walking Your Dog in the Dark

Posted by Amy Hempe on

            Safety always needs to be a priority when you are walking your dog, and never more so than when it is dark out. With daylight savings ending in late autumn,  our evenings will be dark as early as four p.m. in some places. Dogs won’t care about visibility so much when nature calls, so if you have to take them out on leash, their and your security will be up to you. Here are some ideas to keep in mind to get you through the time of the early sunsets. Wear something reflective. This goes for both you and...

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The Muddy Blues: Dealing with Dog’s Muddy Paws

Posted by Amy Hempe on

            Fall brings so many things with it: lovely changing colors, yummy lattes, and of course, mud. If it’s raining or even snowing in your area before a warm up, then the mud level cranks itself up to eleven. Mud outdoors means muddy paws for your dog. And muddy paws means fighting the good fight against muddy and dirty floors.             If you must let your dog out multiple times every day, this can result in havoc. Cleaning up so much mud constantly can drive you mad. While we can’t recommend something as extreme as moving to a non-muddy area,...

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Autumn Vegetables for Dogs

Posted by Amy Hempe on

            Autumn can make us yearn for some of our favorite comfort foods. The new season brings a harvest of different vegetables that are good for us in all sorts of ways – they are filled with vitamins, they are tasty, and they fill us up. And by “us,” I certainly include our four-legged canine buddies.                 There is no reason for dogs to miss out on the wonderful world of autumnal veggies. As most of us know, not everything that humans eat is doggy safe. However, use this guide to choose some safe-for-dogs items that will provide pups...

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Raw Food or Kibble? Whats the big deal?

Posted by Amy Hempe on

            This question has been coming up a lot: should people feed their dogs kibble or raw food? We know that we are stepping into a very big puddle of opinions with this topic. Let us say up front that we are not endorsing or condemning either practice. We are simply here to talk about each method of feeding.  Kibble             Kibble, as many of our readers know, covers a whole lot of territory. Kibble was invented back in the 1800’s and became standard for dogs and cats after World War II when convenience became a major staple of middle...

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How To Include Your Dog in Your Wedding

Posted by Amy Hempe on

            We love weddings, at Really Good Pets. Whether it’s traditional or modern with fun twists, we think weddings are the best place for people to come together and share what’s wonderful about a couple’s new life together – which ought to include the dog, of course!             And that could mean that your dog (or dogs) could be in the spotlight for the big day. There is no reason to exclude the pooch. But involving the dog in a wedding will require a little bit of planning. Have a designated dog handler. This might be just for the wedding...

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