Patches for Express Harness by Ezydog
These patches come in a set of two. They come in 2 different sizes and depending on the size of Express Harness by Ezydog you have, will determine the size you need. Please note it is unlawful and unethical to purchase service dog patches when your dogs are NOT service dogs. Please do not purchase these patches with the intention of just taking your pet dog places.
A service dog is defined as a dog that performs a specific action that helps the disabled person to navigate or complete tasks in the world. We have 2 different types of Service dog patches. One that is plain with just the words "Service Dog" and the other is blue lettering on white with a wheelchair symbol that says "Service Dog" then a picture of the wheelchair.
Therapy dog patches are used with usually CGC certified dogs (but not always) that do volunteer or paid work as a therapy dog. Remember to only use these patches when the dog is working and not just running around playing. These patches have velcro on them and can be taken on and off the harness. This patch says simply "Therapy Dog"
In Training patches can be used for any dog who is in-training for a range of purposes. This patch says "In Training"
Do Not Pet patch can be used for working dogs, dogs in training, for either aggressive or non-aggressive dogs. It is helpful to keep people from disturbing your dog while training or them performing their duty.
Here are the size ranges.
Small Badges fit harnesses size: XS, SM, MD, LG
Large Badges fit harnesses size: XL, XXL